Gymnastics Classes
937 W. Chestnut St. Chicago, IL 60642
By becoming a member of Lakeshore Academy, you gain access to our gyms and can enroll your athlete in classes.
The annual membership fee is $100 per family.

Class Registration
Prices are based on a monthly tuition which depends on how many times the class is held per month. In addition to, we require a non-refundable annual registration fee of $100 per family.
Students will be automatically re-enrolled in the same class from month to month for your convenience. If you choose to OPT OUT of the upcoming month we must be informed by email before the 25th of the current month. The tuition for the upcoming month is due before the 1st of the month and it will be automatically charged to your card on file. Tuition must be paid in full at the time of registration.